My Lord

My Lord

This is just a poem of praise
and of worship to my
Lord, King, Savior,
God Father,
Light of my Life
and my all.

My Lord is,

Awesome, the “Alpha and the Omega,” Almighty Abba,
Believable, bold, the Beginning and the End, Bread of Life,
Compassionate, my Creator, the Christ,
Deliverer, divine,
Eternal, Emmanuel,
Forgiving, faithful, my Father, forever,
Generous, gracious, the Great I Am,
Holy, my Hope, Hosanna,
Jesus, a just judge,
Kind, “King of Kings”,
Living water, loyal, loving, “the Light,” “Lord of Lords,”,
“the Lamb of God”,
Messiah, majestic, merciful, mighty,
Noble ,
Powerful, peaceful, precious, my Provider, Protector, “the Prince of Peace”,
Quintessence – the purest of pure,
Righteous, Ruler of all, my Redeemer, the Resurrection,
Sacrificial, Sovereign, my Supplier, Savior, “the Good Shepherd”,
Tender, trustworthy, Truth,
Universal and ultimate authority,
Victorious, “the Vine’,
Wonderful, “the Way of the World”,
X-travagant, x-traordina ,
Yahweh, my God,
Zealous for His Children.

I praise you my Lord, Daddy — my personal Savior.

About Heartfelt Meditations

I am a published author and was published in 2011. My passions in writing involves my journey through motherhood, my faith and my love for America and our history. I live in Louisiana bur am from Texas.
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